
AS9100 Rev D Trainings

What is AS9100 Rev D?

AS9100 is the quality management standard specifically written for the Aerospace and Defense industry. It had long been considered by some entities, such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), that the ISO 9000 series of standards were inadequate in terms of ensuring quality and safety in the “high risk” aerospace industry.

Early Bird Pricing

5-Day AS9100 Rev D & ISO 9001:2015

Probitas Certified Lead Auditor Training Course

Days: 5 • CEU Hours: 4.75


Beginner to Advanced
Probitas Authentication
Days 1-4: 7:30 AM – 6:30 PM MST
Day 5: 7:30 AM – 11:00 AM MST
This course is certified by Probitas Authentication. Successful completion of this course satisfies the Lead Auditor training requirement for AS9100 Aerospace Auditor authentication.



In today’s competitive aerospace industry, ensuring compliance with AS9100 standards is critical for maintaining quality, meeting customer expectations, and securing contracts. Effective auditing is the foundation of a robust Quality Management System (QMS), and skilled auditors are in high demand to help organizations achieve and sustain excellence.

This interactive, live-online AS9100 lead auditor training course equips you with the knowledge and skills to conduct effective QMS audits in line with AS9100 Rev D and ISO 9001:2015 standards. You’ll learn how to interpret the verbiage of the standards and apply them to your own organization.

Guided by expert instructors, you’ll explore every phase of the audit process, including:

  • Audit planning and preparation
  • Conducting opening meetings
  • Document and records review
  • Interviewing techniques for auditees
  • Closing meetings and reporting

Our training includes easy-to-use tools to streamline the auditing process, ensuring you succeed regardless of your experience level or career stage.

This practical AS9100 lead auditor training course is designed to engage and empower participants. Through interactive case studies, role-playing scenarios, and other real-world exercises, you’ll not only deepen your understanding of auditing principles but also build confidence to apply them effectively in any setting.


There are no required prerequisites for this training.

This AS9100 Lead Auditor training course is beneficial for both quality novices and lifetime professionals.

All students are required to bring their own printed copy of the AS9100 RevD standard. 

This will not be provided by Axeon, but most students will be able to obtain a copy from their company.

AS9100 - Man inspecting jet engine

Who Should Attend

  • Quality Managers
  • Management Representatives
  • Audit Program Managers
  • Lead Auditor Candidates
  • Internal Auditors
  • Quality Consultants
  • Top Management
  • Those who perform supplier audits


AS9100 Rev D & ISO 9001:2015 Training Objectives

  1. Develop the knowledge and skills required to become a Lead Auditor.
  2. Learn you to perform high-quality audits with confidence.
  3. Improve your understanding of the Aerospace Quality Standard.
  4. Learn how to audit to the requirements of the Standard and to your own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
  5. Conform to the auditing practices outlined in ISO 19011, ISO 9001 and AS9101.
  6. Fulfill the lead auditor training requirements of the IAQG Certified Lead Auditor program.



Day 1
Part 1: Course Introduction
Part 2: History of Quality Management
Part 3: AQMS Objectives Quiz
Part 4: In-depth Review of Standard
Part 5: Review of Standard (cont’d)
Part 6: Exercise: Audit Case Studies (Part 1)
Day 2
Part 1: Exercise: Audit Case Studies (Part 2)
Part 2: Learning Game on Pre-assignment
Part 3: Test on Standard/Review & Retake
Part 4: AU Module – Part 1. Intro to Auditing
Part 5: Test on Part 1/Review & Retake
Part 6: Part 2. Preparing for an Audit
Part 7: Test on Part 2/Review & Retake
Part 8: Part 3. Conducting the Audit
Part 9: Test on Part 3/Review & Retake
Day 3
Part 1: Audit Role Play Exercise 1
Part 2: Part 4. Completing the Audit
Part 3: Test on Part 4/Review & Retake
Part 4: Exercise: Writing Audit Findings
Part 5: Audit Role Play Exercise 2
Part 6: TL Unit: Leading an Audit Team
Day 4
Part 1: Test on TL Unit/Review & Retake
Part 2: Aerospace Industry Unit
Part 3: Test on AS Unit/Review & Retake
Part 4: AS9101 Unit
Part 5: Process-Based Auditing
Part 6: Audit Role Play Exercise 4
Part 7: AS9101 Quiz/Review & Retake
Part 8: Exercise 3: Closing Meeting
Part 9: Class Wrap-Up
Part 10: Test Prep
Day 5
Part 1: Test Preparation
Part 2: Final Examination


Related Courses 

AS9100 Rev D Internal Auditor Training AS5553 & AS6174 Counterfeit Parts Training AS9102 First Article Inspection Training AS9145 APQP & PPAP Training

5-Day In-Person AS9100D & ISO 9001:2015

Probitas Certified Lead Auditor Training Course

Days: 5 • CEU Hours: 4.75


Beginner to Advanced
Probitas Authentication
Days 1-4: 7:30 AM – 6:30 PM MST
Day 5: 7:30 AM – 11:00 AM MST
This course is certified by Probitas Authentication. Successful completion of this course satisfies the Lead Auditor training requirement for AS9100 Aerospace Auditor authentication.



In today’s competitive aerospace industry, ensuring compliance with AS9100 standards is critical for maintaining quality, meeting customer expectations, and securing contracts. Effective auditing is the foundation of a robust Quality Management System (QMS), and skilled auditors are in high demand to help organizations achieve and sustain excellence.

This interactive, in-person AS9100D lead auditor training course equips you with the knowledge and skills to conduct effective QMS audits in line with AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 standards. You’ll learn how to interpret the verbiage of the standards and apply them to your own organization.

Guided by expert instructors, you’ll explore every phase of the audit process, including:

  • Audit planning and preparation
  • Conducting opening meetings
  • Document and records review
  • Interviewing techniques for auditees
  • Closing meetings and reporting

Our training includes easy-to-use tools to streamline the auditing process, ensuring you succeed regardless of your experience level or career stage.

This practical AS9100 lead auditor training course is designed to engage and empower participants. Through interactive case studies, role-playing scenarios, and other real-world exercises, you’ll not only deepen your understanding of auditing principles but also build confidence to apply them effectively in any setting.


There are no required prerequisites for this training.

This AS9100 Lead Auditor training course is beneficial for both quality novices and lifetime professionals.

All students are required to bring their own printed copy of the AS9100D standard. 

This will not be provided by Axeon, but most students will be able to obtain a copy from their company.

AS9100D - Man inspecting jet engine

Who Should Attend

  • Quality Managers
  • Management Representatives
  • Audit Program Managers
  • Lead Auditor Candidates
  • Internal Auditors
  • Quality Consultants
  • Top Management
  • Those who perform supplier audits


AS9100D & ISO 9001:2015 Training Objectives

  1. Develop the knowledge and skills required to become a Lead Auditor.
  2. Learn you to perform high-quality audits with confidence.
  3. Improve your understanding of the Aerospace Quality Standard.
  4. Learn how to audit to the requirements of the Standard and to your own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
  5. Conform to the auditing practices outlined in ISO 19011, ISO 9001 and AS9101.
  6. Fulfill the lead auditor training requirements of the IAQG Certified Lead Auditor program.



Day 1
Part 1: Course Introduction
Part 2: History of Quality Management
Part 3: AQMS Objectives Quiz
Part 4: In-depth Review of Standard
Part 5: Review of Standard (cont’d)
Part 6: Exercise: Audit Case Studies (Part 1)
Day 2
Part 1: Exercise: Audit Case Studies (Part 2)
Part 2: Learning Game on Pre-assignment
Part 3: Test on Standard/Review & Retake
Part 4: AU Module – Part 1. Intro to Auditing
Part 5: Test on Part 1/Review & Retake
Part 6: Part 2. Preparing for an Audit
Part 7: Test on Part 2/Review & Retake
Part 8: Part 3. Conducting the Audit
Part 9: Test on Part 3/Review & Retake
Day 3
Part 1: Audit Role Play Exercise 1
Part 2: Part 4. Completing the Audit
Part 3: Test on Part 4/Review & Retake
Part 4: Exercise: Writing Audit Findings
Part 5: Audit Role Play Exercise 2
Part 6: TL Unit: Leading an Audit Team
Day 4
Part 1: Test on TL Unit/Review & Retake
Part 2: Aerospace Industry Unit
Part 3: Test on AS Unit/Review & Retake
Part 4: AS9101 Unit
Part 5: Process-Based Auditing
Part 6: Audit Role Play Exercise 4
Part 7: AS9101 Quiz/Review & Retake
Part 8: Exercise 3: Closing Meeting
Part 9: Class Wrap-Up
Part 10: Test Prep
Day 5
Part 1: Test Preparation
Part 2: Final Examination


Related Courses 

AS9100D Internal Auditor Training AS5553 & AS6174 Counterfeit Parts Training AS9102 First Article Inspection Training AS9145 APQP & PPAP Training

Internal Auditor Class

With Live Audits

Days: 3 • CEU Hrs: 2.4
Time: 7:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. MST
Audience: Beginner to Advanced


This AS9100 Internal Auditor course prepares you to perform internal QMS audits using industry-proven techniques and to apply the proper interpretation of the ISO standard to real-life audit situations. You’ll follow the full audit process including: audit tools and preparation, opening meetings, audit interviews, closing meetings, and reporting.  This is a very practical class that is not “bogged-down” with academic discussions of quality topics that have limited utility for class attendees.
This Internal Audit class makes extensive use of activities and case studies to help you fully understand the requirements of quality system auditing to the AS9100:2016 Rev D standard. Since people “lock” new understanding into long-term memory much better when they apply it, lecture time is held to a minimum providing you time to grasp and then practice your newly acquired skills in simulated real-life audit situations.

Probitas Authentication AS13004

Who Should Attend?

Individuals who will perform audits to AS9100:2016 Rev D Standards or Quality Management Systems, individuals assisting their organizations toward AS9100:2016 Rev D registration, or individuals who are frequently audited should attend this training. Quality directors, managers, engineers, auditors, ISO coordinators, laboratory quality professionals, and anyone engaged in quality audits will benefit from this training.


There are no required prerequisites.  This course is routinely taught to quality novices and lifetime professionals. All attendees are required to bring their own copy of the AS9100:2016 Rev D Quality Management Standard Requirements for this training course. These will not be provided for you. We strongly advise you bring a “paper” copy.

Course Objectives

  • Prepared to conduct a solo internal audit at successful course completion
  • Fully understand and interpret the AS9100:2016 Rev D requirements.
  • Apply the proper interpretation of the standard in actual audit situations.
  • Understand process auditing tools leading to substantive quality system improvements
  • Tailor an audit interview based on the requirements of the standard and obtain audit evidence from this interview.
  • Follow-up and resolve “audit trails that present themselves during the audit interviews
  • Conduct audits that result in real improvements to the quality system
  • Plan and execute the entire audit process including: audit preparation, opening meetings, auditing, closing meetings, and reporting.



Day 1

Part 1:  Introductions and Self-Assessment

  1. Course requirements
  2. How to get the most from this experience
  3. Networking with classmates (industry professionals)
  4. Self-assessment of audit skills and internal audit programs Exercise #1

Part 2:  Quality Terminology and Definitions

  1. Quality industry vernacular from AS9100:2009, ISO 19011
  2. Differentiating between Verification and Validation
  3. Understanding Corrective Actions and Risk Management
  4. How to converse with external auditors
  5. Terminology Exercise #2

Part 3:  Requirements of AS9100:2009

  1. Demystifying the AS9100:2016 Rev D standard
  2. Interpreting and cross-referencing the quality standard
  3. Analyzing audit findings
  4. Audit exercises for application of AS9100:2016 Rev D to quality events
  5. Audit Case Studies

Part 4:  The Audit Process:  Roles and Duties

  1. Roles of Auditors, Auditees, and Management during Internal Audits (IAs)
  2. Qualifying Auditors
  3. Duties of the IA staff
  4. Exercise #8: Preparing to be audited-

Day 2

Part 5:  The Audit Process:  Performing the Audit Process

  1. Audit Tools – checklists, process maps, findings, reports
  2. Conducting Audit Interviews Exercise #9
  3. Exercise #10 with Morgan Case Studies

Part 6:  The Audit Process:  Audit Skills and Techniques

  1. Audit Interviewing techniques
  2. Continual improvement techniques
  3. Process Auditing methods
  4. Developing a “continual improvement” attitude in the organization
  5. Exercise #11 Writing Audit Findings
  6. Exercise #12 Evaluating the effectiveness of Audits
  7. Exercise #13 Application of Process Auditing techniques
  8. Review written NCRs and OFIs

Day 3

Part 7:  The Audit Process:  Finalizing the Audit

  1. Developing an Audit Schedule
  2. Conducting Audits- Live Audit
  3. Writing Non-Conformities
  4. Prepare a PEAR form
  5. Writing the audit report
  6. Exercise #14 Writing and audit report
  7. Exercise #15 Writing Non-Conforming Reports
  8. Exercise #16 Conducting a Closing Meeting

Review and Examination of Certificate

3-Day In-Person ISO 9001 & AS9100

Probitas Certified Internal Auditor Training Course

Days: 3 • CEU Hours: 2.4


Beginner to Advanced
Probitas Authentication
7:30 AM – 5:30 PM MST
This course is certified by Probitas Authentication. 


In today’s highly competitive aerospace industry, ensuring compliance with AS9100 standards is essential for maintaining quality, meeting customer requirements, and staying ahead of the competition. A strong Quality Management System (QMS) relies on effective internal audits, making skilled internal auditors a valuable asset to any organization.

This hands-on, in-person AS9100D auditor training course for is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to perform and participate in effective audits in accordance with AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 standards. You’ll gain a clear understanding of how to interpret the requirements and apply them within your organization.

Led by experienced instructors, this course guides you through all stages of the internal audit process, including:

  • Audit planning and preparation
  • Conducting opening meetings
  • Interviewing techniques
  • Holding closing meetings
  • Reporting and follow-up actions

You’ll also receive practical tools to simplify the auditing process, ensuring success no matter your experience level or career stage.

This engaging AS9100 auditor training course combines real-world exercises, role-playing scenarios, and interactive discussions to reinforce your understanding of audit principles. By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped with the confidence and skills to conduct internal audits that support continuous improvement and organizational success.


There are no required prerequisites for this training.

This AS9100 auditor training course is beneficial for both quality novices and lifetime professionals.

All attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 9001:2015 or AS9100:2016 Rev D Quality Management Standard Requirements for this training course.

These will not be provided for you.

We strongly advise you bring a paper copy or an electronic copy that allows you to take notes for your ISO 9001 and AS9100 auditor training.

AS9100 auditor training - Man inspecting jet engine

Who Should Attend

  • Quality directors
  • Managers
  • Engineers
  • Auditors
  • ISO coordinators
  • Laboratory quality professionals
  • Anyone engaged in quality audits or quality assurance


ISO 9001 & AS9100 Auditor Training Objectives

  1. Prepare to conduct a solo internal audit at successful course completion.
  2. Fully understand and interpret the AS9100:2016 Rev D and ISO 9001:2015 requirements.
  3. Apply the proper interpretation of the standard in actual audit situations.
  4. Understand process auditing tools leading to substantive quality system improvements
  5. Tailor an audit interview based on the requirements of the standard and obtain audit evidence from this interview.
  6. Follow-up and resolve audit trails that present themselves during the audit interviews
  7. Conduct audits that result in real improvements to the quality system
  8. Plan and execute the entire audit process including: audit preparation, opening meetings, auditing, closing meetings, and reporting.



Day 1
Part 1: Introductions and Self-Assessment

  1. Course requirements
  2. How to get the most from this experience
  3. Networking with classmates (industry professionals)
  4. Self-assessment of audit skills and internal audit programs Exercise #1
Part 2: Quality Terminology & Definitions

  1. Quality industry vernacular from AS9100 and ISO 19011
  2. Differentiating between Verification and Validation
  3. Understanding Corrective Actions and Risk Management
  4. How to converse with external auditors
  5. Terminology Exercise #2
Part 3: Requirements of AS9100

  1. Demystifying the AS9100 standard
  2. Interpreting and cross-referencing the quality standard
  3. Analyzing audit findings
  4. Audit exercises for application of AS9100 to quality events
  5. Audit Case Studies
Part 4: The Audit Process: Roles and Duties

  1. Roles of Auditors, Auditees, and Management during Internal Audits (IAs)
  2. Qualifying Auditors
  3. Duties of the IA staff
  4. Exercise #8: Preparing to be audited
Day 2
Part 5: The Audit Process: Performing the Audit Process

  1. Audit Tools – checklists, process maps, findings, reports
  2. Conducting Audit Interviews Exercise #9
  3. Exercise #10 with Morgan Case Studies
Part 6: The Audit Process: Audit Skills and Techniques

  1. Audit Interviewing techniques
  2. Continual improvement techniques
  3. Process Auditing methods
  4. Developing a continual improvement attitude in the organization
  5. Exercise #11 Writing Audit Findings
  6. Exercise #12 Evaluating the effectiveness of Audits
  7. Exercise #13 Application of Process Auditing techniques
  8. Review written NCRs and OFIs
Day 3
Part 7: The Audit Process: Finalizing the Audit

  1. Developing an Audit Schedule
  2. Conducting Audits – Live Audit
  3. Writing Non-Conformities
  4. Prepare a PEAR form
  5. Writing the audit report
  6. Exercise #14 Writing and audit report
  7. Exercise #15 Writing Non-Conforming Reports
  8. Exercise #16 Conducting a Closing Meeting
Review and Examination of Certificate


Related Courses 

AS9100D Lead Auditor Training AS5553 & AS6174 Counterfeit Parts Training AS9102 First Article Inspection Training AS9145 APQP & PPAP Training

Days: 3 

 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM MST


The AS13100 AESQ (Aerospace Engine Supplier Quality) Supplemental QMS Requirements simplifies and harmonizes: a)  the aerospace engine manufacturer requirements for its supply chain, and, b) requirements flowed-down to the engine manufacturers by regulators, customers, and industry.  Suppliers with multiple customers will learn how coordinate and apply AS13100 to minimize total requirements and improve overall product quality.

This course provides review of and insight into each of the AESQ supplemental requirements.  Workshop activities have been tailored for understanding how to apply this Standard and the additional RM (Reference Manual) requirements.  Participants will learn how to apply this Standard within their own organization and coordinate the requirements between their Customers, Regulatory Authorities, and their own Supply Chain.


AS13100 FMEA



AESQ AS9100 Supplemental Requirements for –  Strategic Planning, Top Management, Competence & Awareness, Risk Management, Monitoring Equipment, Human Factors, Design & Development, Supply Chain Management & Control, Manufacturing Systems, Internal Audits, and Corrective Action

AESQ AS9145 Supplemental Requirements for: APQP – Project Management, Design & Development, Process Design & Development, Validation of Products and Processes; PPAP – File Submission and Disposition, Supply Chain PPAP

AESQ Core Defect Prevention Quality Tools:  DFMEA, PFMEA, Key Characteristics, Process Flow Diagrams, Control Plans, MSA, Capability Studies

AS13100 Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the requirements of the AS13100 standard
  • Practical application of the AS13100 requirements
  • Identification of Standards and Handbooks reference in AS13100 and overview of these guidance materials
  • Overview and Activities/Workshops related to the Reference Manuals:
    • RM13000 Problem Solving Methods including 8D
    • RM13002 Alternate Inspection Frequency Plans
    • RM13003 Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)
    • RM13004 Defect Prevention Quality Tools to support APQP and PPAP
    • RM13005 Quality Audit Requirements
    • RM13006 Process Control Methods
    • RM13007 Sub Tier Management
    • RM13008 Design Work
    • RM13009 AS13100 Compliance Matrix
    • RM13010 Human Factors
    • RM13011 Rework and Production Repair of NC Products
    • RM13102 First Article Inspection
    • RM13145 APQP and PPAP within Aerospace
  • Workshops to enhance understanding of Tools and RMs
  • Understanding of the Core Tools including: Design FMEA, Process Flow Diagrams, Process FMEA, Production Control Plans, Measurement Systems Analysis, and Process Capability Studies


Who Should Attend

  • Senior Managers & Management Representatives
  • AS13100 Implementation Teams: Quality, Operations, Engineering, Regulatory, etc.
  • Functional Leaders impacted by AS13100: Design, Manufacturing, Engineering, Operations, Purchasing, Program Management, Sales
  • Internal Auditors



Day 1

Part 1 Introductions
Part 2 History, Purpose, Related Publications (SAE/AESQ/ISO and Other), Terms and Definitions, Standards/Handbooks/Manuals  
Activity #1:  Terminology  
Part 3 Detailed Review of the AS13100 additional requirements to the AS9100 standard:  Clauses 1-8.3  
Topics & In-Class Exercises: Supplier Type and Supplemental Requirements & Appendix B;  AS9115 Applicability; Compliance Assessment; Human Factors RM 13010; ISO 31000 Risk Management; RM 13003 MSA; MSA Acceptance Limits; Auditor Qualifications – Training; Delegations of Product Release Verification; Retention of Documented Information; Prevention of Counterfeit Parts AS 6174; APQP & PPAP in Design; Design FMEA Process; AS9146 FOD; Design Phases RM 13008; Design for ‘X’ (DfX:  DfM, DfA, DfS, DfC); Critical Items & Key Characteristics;  
Activity #2:    MSA Repeatability Mitigation RM 13003

Activity #3a:  Design FMEA  RM 13004

Estimated time for day 1 7.5 hours in class

Day 2

Part 3 Cont. Detailed Review of the AS13100 additional requirements to the AS9100 standard:  Clauses 8.4 – 10
Topics & In-Class Exercises:  Sub-tier Assessment Process (SCMH); Audit Types RM 13005;  ITAR/EAR; D&D Software Requirements Specification (SCMH); Process FMEA; PFMEA/Control Plan process RM 13004; AS9102 FAI;  Rework & Repair of NC Product RM 13011; Process Control Methods RM 13006; Process Capability Cp, Pp, Cpk, RM 13006; Alternate Inspection Frequency Plans RM 13002; Appendix C Training Syllabus Process Controls RM 13006; Internal Audit Types & Frequencies; Quality Audits – Production Process over 3-years RM 13005; 8D Structured Problem Solving RM 13000; Human Factors in Problem Solving RM 13010;  Lean Six Sigma & 5S; AS 9145 2016-11 & APQP Process Flow;  
Activity #3b:  Process FMEA RM 13004

Activity #4:  8D Problem Solving Case Study

Part 4 AS13100 Chapter B  AS9145 Supplemental Requirements  
Topics & In-Class Exercises:  APQP and PPAP Process Flow Diagram; APQP & PPAP Timing Chart & Events; DFMEA RM 13004; Process Flow Diagram RM 13004; Control Plan RM 13004; Production Preparation Plan AS 13100; Alternate Inspection Plan RM 13002  
Estimated time for day 2 7.5 hours in class
Day 3
Part 4 cont. AS13100 Chapter B  AS9145 Supplemental Requirements cont.  
Topics & In-Class Exercises:  Pre-Launch Control Plan RM 1345; MSA GRR RM 13003; AESQ PPAP Elements AS13100; PPAP Coordinator and CAR3 Training RM 12145; PPAP Submission/Retention Levels; PPAP Elements and RM References AS13100; Typical Use of PPAP Elements RM 13145; Supply Chain Risk Management RM 13145; APQP Assurance Actions AS13100; Robust Statistical Evaluations Chart RM 13006;  
Part 5 Core Defect Prevention Quality Tools APQP & PPAP  
Topics & In-Class Exercises:  APQP Phase 1-5 Resource Manuals References; Design FMEA Severity/Occurrence/Detection Ranking Tables RM 13004; DFMEA Potential Causes & Controls RM 13004; Critical Items, Key Characteristics, Special Requirements AS9100; Process Flow Diagram, Defect Detection RM 13004; PFMEA Severity, Occurrence, Detection Rating Tables RM 13004; Control Plan Inputs/Defect Detection RM 13004; Cp and Cpk Calculations  
     Activity #5:  Use of PPAP Submissions in Supplier Control RM 13145  
Estimated Time for Day 3 7.5 hours

Days: 2 • CEU Hrs: 1.9
Time: Day 1 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Day 2 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Audience: Beginner to Advanced

Supplier Audit Training Overview

This course prepares you to perform supplier audits using industry-proven techniques and to apply proper interpretation of the ISO standards to real-life audit situations. You’ll follow the full audit process including: audit tools and preparation, opening meetings, audit interviews, closing meetings, and reporting. This is a very practical class that is not “bogged down” with academic discussions of quality topics that have limited utility for class attendees.

This Supplier Auditor class makes extensive use of activities and case studies to help you fully understand the requirements of quality system auditing. Since people “lock” new understanding into long-term memory much better when they apply it, lecture time is held to a minimum providing you time to grasp and then practice your newly acquired skills in simulated real-life audit situations.

Who Should Attend

Individuals who will perform supplier audits to supplier requirements, ISO Standards and/or Quality Management Systems.


There are no required prerequisites. This course is routinely taught to quality novices and lifetime professionals.


Day 1

Part Title Minutes
1 Introduction and Schedule 30
2 Terminology & Definitions 15
     Activity #1: Quality Terminology 30
3 Supplier Auditing:  Concepts and Benefits

Topics:  QMS Standard Requirements, Regulatory Requirements (Examples), Customer Requirements, Supplier Risk Management (RCA & CA Process), Supplier Performance Issues, Benefits of Supplier Audits, COPQ, Prevention vs Detection

     Activity #2:  Perform a 3×5 Whys RCA 30
4 Types of Supplier Audits and Auditing Tools

Topics:  Audit Categories:  System, Process, Product, Compliance; Types of Audits:  Manufacturing Process, Ethical, Structural, CTPAT

Tools:  Audit Checklist ISO 19011, Capability Checklists, Supplier Checklists & Audit Reports

Lunch 30
     Activity #3:  Supplier Audit Categories/Criteria

Activity #4:  Audit Roleplay #1

Activity #5:  Supplier Audit Report Examples




          Total class hours/minutes Day 1 =  7-hours

Day 2

Part Title Minutes
5 Initial Assessment, and Monitoring Supplier Performance, Supply Chain Risk

Topics SCMH:  Initial Assessments:  QMS Certificates, Special Processes, Flow Down Requirements, Risk Assessment of Suppliers, Capability, Internal Audits, Capacity, Improvement Processes, Sub-tier Supplier Control, Process Capability (Cpk, SPC), Supplier Capability (Maturity) Model & Audit Checklists, Supplier Risk Assessment,

     Activity #6:  Audit Roleplay and Audit Report 120
Lunch 30
6 Miscellaneous Topics:  APQP/PPAP, Supplier Performance Metrics, Supplier Continual Improvement, Source Delegations (Delegation of Verification) 60
     Activity #7:  PPAP Readiness Assessment   (Optional) 45
     Activity #8:  Audit Case Studies (ISO 9001, ISO 13485, AS9100, etc.)  (Optional) 120
          Total class hours/minutes Day 1 =  7-hours  15-minutes

Days: 2

Time:  7:30 AM- 4:30 PM MST

Axeon’s training courses begin with your objectives in mind. Before any training begins the instructor must have an objective to deliver your desired outcome. If the course does not have a specific objective, students can go through the motions with little added value. Axeon’s Statistical Process Control training begins with a candid discussion of your needs and expectations with the course instructor to develop specific areas of focus for the class. Below is a general outline for the course and topics that will be covered.


Statistical process control (SPC) procedures help you monitor process behavior. One of the staple SPC tools used by quality process analysts, improvement associates, inspectors and more is the control chart. Axeon’s statistical process control training will walk you through the details of control charting and other SPC procedures and how to apply them within your organization.

Who Should Attend?

·    Quality & Process Engineers ·    Process Development & Validation Personnel
·    Quality Technicians ·     Manufacturing/Operations Personnel
·    Production Supervisors ·    Process Improvement Personnel
·    SPC Supervisors ·    Supplier Quality Personnel
·    Laboratory Personnel ·    Six Sigma Professionals


Statistical Process Control Training Agenda

  • Fundamentals of SPC
    • Concept of Variation
    • The Normal Distribution
    • Control Limits vs. Specification Limits
    • Definition of Control/Stability
    • Definition of Quality
    • Quality Control vs. Process Control
  • Fundamental Statistical Concepts
    • Population versus Sample
    • Notation
    • Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Mean)
    • Measures of Variation (Range, Standard Deviation, Variance)
    • A Central Limit Theorem
    • Introduction to Non-Normal Data
    • The Central Limit Theorem
  • Conceptual Implementation of SPC
    • Measurement Systems Issues
    • Monitoring Process Behavior
    • Xbar and R Chart Concepts
  • Sampling
    • Random, Systematic, and Rational Samples
    • Importance of Rational Sampling
  • Sources of Variation
    • Common and Special Cause Sources
    • Detecting Special Cause Sources
  • Charts: Xbar and R
    • Differences Between Measurements and Averages
    • Computing Control Limits and Charting
  • Other Charts
    • Individuals & Moving Ranges
    • Xbar and S Charts
    • Charts for Short Production Runs
  • Attribute Charts (p, np, c, u)
    Chart Interpretation

    • Type I and Type II Errors
    • Guidelines for Analysis of Charts
    • Out of Control Signals
  • Sensitivity
    • Impact of Sample Size on Chart Sensitivity
    • Determining Sample Size
  • Process Capability
    • Capability ratio – Cr
    • Performance Ratio – Pr
    • Capability Index – Cp
    • Performance Index – Pp
    • Process Capability – CpK
    • The Standard Normal
    • Z Values
    • Computing Proportion Defective

Risk Management for AS13004

Days: 2 

 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM MST


AS13004 Overview

This class teaches participants the Aerospace Risk Requirements (per AS9100, 9110, and 9120) as well as the specific requirements for Operation Risk as defined in AS13004 PFMEA and Control Plans.  The course follows a well-organized, systematic approach to Identify, Assess, and Mitigate Risks that impact Aerospace organizations and the risks to their customers and stakeholders. While Risk Management is a basic requirement of ISO 9001, the Aerospace standards incorporate all of these requirements and add further requirements to make aerospace products and services safe and effective throughout the Supply Chain. Further, with reduced risks inherent in the Design and Manufacture of aerospace articles, the costs associated with their manufacture should be reduced.

Who Should Attend

  • Any organization that needs a formal, disciplined approach to the identification, assessment, and management of Risk.
  • Organizations that must meet the requirements–AS9100 Operational Risk Management, and
    AS13004 PFMEA and Control Plans.
  • Quality Managers
  • Management Representatives
  • Engineering Managers
  • Internal and external auditors
  • Design Teams
  • Project Teams
AS13004 Risk Management Training - Airplane

What you will learn

  • How to address Risk-Based Thinking requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100 (per ISO 31000).
  • How to address the Operational Risk Management requirements of AS9100 (per AS13004).
  • Tools used for Risk Assessment such as DFMEA, Process Flow Diagrams, PFMEAs and Control Plans.
  • How risk management can be applied to any organization, regardless of its products or customers.
  • A means for demonstrating to customers and stakeholders the potential risks associated with products or processes and provide assurance that these have been effectively managed.
  • How to quantify risk as the first step in establishing priorities for your organization.
  • Methods for controlling risks within your Supply Chain



Day 1

  • Risk terminology
  • Four-step Risk Management process outlined in ISO 31000
  • Risk-based Thinking requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100D
  • Strategic vs. process risk management
  • Tools, methods, and a streamlined approach for addressing risk-based thinking requirements.
  • Hands-on exercises

Day 2

  • Aerospace risk terminology
  • Overview of APQP and PPAP risk tools: Process Flow Diagrams, PFMEA’s and Control Plans
  • How to develop a Process Flow Diagram (identifying process risks)
  • Guidelines for performing a Process Failure Modes and Effects (FMEA) analysis
  • Creating an effective Control Plan used to manufacture and control and resolve ongoing process risks
  • Detailed hands-on case study developing an FMEA analysis, with tools for completing each stage
  • Requirements for Operational Risk Management
  • Overview of AS13004 – Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis and Control Plans
  • Guidance on using AS13004 methodology to meet Operational Risk Management requirements

Probitas Authentication AS13004

Days: 2 • CEU Hrs: 1.9

Time:  7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. MST

Audience: Beginner to Advanced

ISO 9001 & AS9100 Internal Auditor Training Overview

This course prepares you to perform internal QMS audits using industry-proven techniques and to apply proper interpretation of the ISO standard to real life audit situations. You’ll follow the full audit process including: audit tools and preparation, opening meetings, audit interviews, closing meetings, and reporting.  This is a very practical class that is not “bogged-down” with academic discussions of quality topics that have limited utility for class attendees.

This Internal Audit class makes extensive use of activities and case studies to help you fully understand the requirements of quality system auditing to the AS9100:2016 standard. Since people “lock” new understanding into long-term memory much better when they apply it, lecture time is held to a minimum providing you time to grasp and then practice your newly acquired skills in simulated real-life audit situations.

Who Should Attend?

Individuals who will perform audits to the AS9100:2016 or ISO 9001:2015 Standards or Quality Management Systems, individuals assisting their organizations toward AS9100:2016 registration, or individuals who are frequently audited should attend this training. Quality directors, managers, engineers, auditors, ISO coordinators, laboratory quality professionals, and anyone engaged in quality audits will benefit from this training.

ISO 9001 & AS9100 Internal Auditor Training


There are no required prerequisites.  This course is routinely taught to quality novices and life-time professionals. All attendees are required to bring their own copy of the AS9100:2016 Quality Management Standard Requirements to this training course. These will not be provided for you. We strongly advise you bring a “paper” copy.

ISO 9001 & AS9100 Internal Auditor Training Objectives

  • Prepared to conduct a solo internal audit at successful course completion
  • Fully understand and interpret the AS9100:2016 requirements.
  • Apply the proper interpretation of the standard in actual audit situations.
  • Understand process auditing tools leading to substantive quality system improvements
  • Tailor an audit interview based on the requirements of the standard and obtain audit evidence from this interview.
  • Follow-up and resolve “audit trails that present themselves during the audit interviews
  • Conduct audits that result in real improvements to the quality system
  • Plan and execute the entire audit process including: audit preparation, opening meetings, auditing, closing meetings, and reporting.



Part 1:  Introductions and Self-Assessment

  1. Course requirements
  2. How to get the most from this experience
  3. Networking with classmates (industry professionals)
  4. Self-assessment of audit skills and internal audit programs Exercise #1

Part 2:  Quality Terminology and Definitions

  1. Quality industry vernacular from AS9100:2009, ISO 19011
  2. Differentiating between Verification and Validation
  3. Understanding Corrective Actions and Risk Management
  4. How to converse with external auditors
  5. Terminology Exercise #2

Part 3:  Requirements of AS9100:2009

  1. Demystifying the AS9100:2016 Rev D standard
  2. Interpreting and cross-referencing the quality standard
  3. Analyzing audit findings
  4. Audit exercises for the application of AS9100:2016 Rev D to quality events
  5. Audit Case Studies

Part 4:  The Audit Process:  Roles and Duties

  1. Roles of Auditors, Auditees, and Management during Internal Audits (IAs)
  2. Qualifying Auditors
  3. Duties of the IA staff
  4. Exercise #8: Preparing to be audited


Part 5:  The Audit Process:  Performing the Audit Process

  1. Audit Tools – checklists, process maps, findings, reports
  2. Conducting Audit Interviews Exercise #9
  3. Exercise #10 Quality event case studies

Part 6:  The Audit Process:  Audit Skills and Techniques

  1. Audit Interviewing techniques
  2. Continual improvement techniques
  3. Process Auditing methods
  4. Developing a “continual improvement” attitude in the organization
  5. Exercise #11 Writing Audit Findings
  6. Exercise #12 Evaluating the effectiveness of Audits
  7. Exercise #13 Application of Process Auditing techniques

Part 7:  The Audit Process:  Finalizing the Audit

  1. Writing the audit report
  2. Opening and Closing Meetings
  3. Exercise #14 Writing and audit report
  4. Exercise #15 Writing Non-Conforming Reports
  5. Exercise #16 Conducting a Closing Meeting

Review and Examination of Certificate

Days: 2

Time: 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM MST

Audience: Beginner to Advanced


Human Factors is a term that appears in the latest versions of several ISO standards, including:

  • ISO 9001:2015 General manufacturing QMS
  • AS9100D:2016  Aerospace QMS
  • ISO 14971:2007 Risk management for medical devices
  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety

This Human Factors online training helps you to understand human factors in the context of each standard.  You will learn how to apply the concept of human factors to your management system and address the standard requirements.  You will also receive practical tools, proven methodologies, and helpful tips to make the job easier for you.

As with all of Axeon’s courses, this is a practical, how-to that is not bogged down in academic discussions.  We use case studies, practice exercises, and learning activities to keep the training activities and build competence.

Who Should Attend our Human Factors Online Training?

·     Quality managers Also:
·     Management representatives ·     Quality consultants
·     Quality engineers ·     Those involved in performing corrective actions
·     Safety managers ·     Those involved in medical device risk management
·     Top management ·     Preparation Of Checklists From Process Analysis
·     Regulatory affairs specialists




None.  Our students range from seasoned quality professionals to novices. Our goal is to meet everyone at their current level of competence and increase it.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the requirements of human factors in the context of each standard.
  • Learn how to address human factors within your organization’s quality and/or safety management system.
  • Provide practical tools and methods for addressing human factors.




Day 1 

Intro to Human Factors
Review ISO Standard Requirements: 9001, AS9100D, 14971, 45001
Definitions of Human Factors by Standard

Human Factors and Root Cause Analysis
Corrective Action and Human Factors
The 13 Most Common Human Factors
Activity: Applying Human Factors in Corrective Action

Human Factors and Poka-Yoke
Definition & History of Poka-Yoke
Methodology for Poka-Yoke
Activity: Applying Poka-Yoke to Human Factors

Day 2

Human Factors and Health & Safety
Definition of Human Factors in Health & Safety
Human Factors and Ergonomics
How Human Factors influence Safety at Work
Activity: Applying Human Factors to Safety

Human Factors and Medical Devices
Methodology for Considering Human Factors in Risk Assessment
Device Design According to Human Factors Consideration
Human Factors in Post-Market Surveillance

Final Test

Advanced Product Quality Planning and Production Part Approval Process- APQP and PPAP Training

Days: 2

Time: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM MST


This standard establishes requirements for performing and documenting APQP and PPAP. APQP begins with conceptual product needs and extends through product definition, production planning, product and process validation (i.e., PPAP), product use, and post-delivery service. This standard integrates and collaborates with the requirements of the 9100, 9102, 9103, and 9110 standards.

The requirements specified in this standard are complementary (not alternative) to contractual and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Should there be a conflict between the requirements of this standard and applicable statutory or regulatory requirements, the latter shall take precedence.

Learning Objectives 

  • APQP and PPAP terminology
  • APQP general requirements
  • APQP project management
  • APQP phases (1 to 5) requirements
  • PPAP process requirements
  • PPAP file and submission
  • PPAP disposition, submission, recording and resubmission
APQP and PPAP Training

Who Needs an APQP and PPAP Training?

  • Senior Managers
  • Management Representatives
  • Implementation Teams
  • Internal Auditors

Any others involved in the auditing or implementation of Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) activities including Control Plans.




1 Introduction
2 History, Aerospace requirements for APQP/PPAP
3 Activity #1  Terminology
4  AS9145  Clause 4.1 – 4.2  General Requirements, Start-Up
5 Workshop #1  SCMH  Checklists
6 AS9145  Clause 4.3  Phase I Planning
7 Workshop #2
8 AS9145  Clause 4.4  Phase 2  Product Design & Development
9 Workshop #3
10 AS9145  Clause 4.5  Phase 3  Process Design & Development
Day 1


Day 2
1 AS9145  Clause 4.5  Phase 3  Process Design & Development
2 Workshop #4
3 AS9145  Clause 4.6  Phase 4  Product & Process Validation
4 AS9145  Clause 4.7  Phase 5  Ongoing Production, Use, Post Delivery
5 Workshop  #5
6 AS9145  Clause 5.1 – 5.4   PPAP
7 Workshop  #6
8 In-Class Case Study

AS13000 Training: Problem-Solving Requirements for Suppliers

Days: 2

Time:  7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. MST


As Root Cause CAPA for Aerospace, an AS13000 training is a must-have. If you are a Boeing, Airbus, or other top OEM supplier, you need this class! All suppliers for the top OEM’s are required to have an 8D Practitioner. This course fulfills the training and testing requirements to become an 8D Practitioner.

AS13000 defines the Problem-Solving standard for suppliers within the aero-engine sector, with the Eight Disciplines (8D) problem-solving method being the basis for this standard.

This 2-day course provides students with a comprehensive and standardized set of tools to become an 8D practitioner and meets all the requirements of “training syllabus” (see AS1300 APPENDIX C). Successful application of 8D achieves robust corrective and preventive actions to reduce the risk of repeat occurrences and minimize the cost of poor quality. This is essential to enable long-term customer-supplier relationships and positively contributes towards zero defects and customer satisfaction.

This course includes the practical application of each of the 8D disciplines.

AS13000 Training
Root Cause Analysis

Learning Objectives:

  • Lead and Facilitate an 8D Problem Solving Activity to AS13000 Requirements
  • Complete an AS13000 8D Problem Solving Template
  • Apply a Problem-Solving Toolkit
  • Recognize and deal with issues of Team Dynamics and Challenging People
  • Practice Effective Customer / Stakeholder Management
  • Reduce Risk of Problem Recurrence

Who Should Attend:

An AS13000 training is a requirement for Aerospace Suppliers of any top OEM. Any employees that will conduct a corrective action or participate as a team member, as well as any individual who would like to gain an in depth understanding of the 8-D process.


Day 1

  • Introduction & 8-D Practitioner Requirements
  • Problem Solving Terminology and Definitions
  • Activity #1 Standard Terminology
  • Review of Standard
  • Requirements for an 8-D Practitioner Appendix C
  • Topics: Problem Solving Form Append. A, Team Dynamics, Questioning and Listening Techniques, Basic Tools overview
  • Methods: Appendix B: Questions, Brainstorming, Comparison Sheets, Check Sheets/Talley Sheets, Histograms, Scatter Diagrams, Run and Control Charts, Pareto Analysis, Human Factors, Analysis Techniques, Root Cause Chain
Case Studies:
  • Activity #1.1 Inputs for Process Flow Diagram
  • Activity #1.2 Is/Is Not and 8D Form
  • Case Studies Cont. :
  • Activity #2.1 5W2H Define the Problem
  • Activity #2.2 Define the Problem 8-D form
  • Activity #2.3 PCB CAR Review/8-D D2 & D3
  • Activity #3.1 Ishikawa – Fishbone

Day 2

  • Case Studies Cont. :
  • Activity #2.1 5W2H Define the Problem
  • Activity #2.2 Define the Problem 8-D form
  • Activity #2.3 PCB CAR Review/8-D D2 & D3
  • Activity #3.1 Ishikawa – Fishbone

 Days: 1

Time: Day 1 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Audience: Beginner to Advanced


This course introduces you to the Nadcap process and helps you get prepared for the certification process including the onsite assessment performed by the Nadcap auditor.  You’ll learn about Nadcap and how to effectively work within the Nadcap system.

Who Should Attend:

Individuals responsible for obtaining or maintaining Nadcap accreditation for their organizations.  Quality directors, managers, process owners, quality engineers, auditors, laboratory personnel, and production management.

There are no required prerequisites.  This course is routinely taught to quality novices and life-time professionals.

Course Objectives

  • Learning about Nadcap, its purpose, and documentation.
  • Prepare for Nadcap accreditation.
  • Understanding and application of Nadcap requirements.
  • Preparing for and performing internal audits to Nadcap criteria.
  • Preparing for the Nadcap audit
  • How to respond to Nadcap corrective actions.

NADCAP Training Outline:

  • Introduction to Nadcap
    • History
    • Purpose
    • Documents
    • Meetings
    • Participation
    • Requesting certification etc…
  • Preparing for Nadcap Certification
    • Documenting requirements
    • Self-audits
    • Self-audit frequency
  • The Nadcap Audit Process
    • Stages of the audit
    • ITAR
  • Nonconformance Report (NCR) Response Methodology and Process
    • Response Time Frame
    • Cycles explained
    • Components of the response

Days: 1

Time: 7:30 AM-4:30 PM MST

Audience: Top management


A QMS (Quality Management System) is NOT a cost of doing business.  It’s an investment.  And top management should expect to get a financial return on that investment.  However, the Return On Investment (ROI) they receive will be greatly impacted by the level of leadership and commitment they provide concerning the management system.

The newest versions of most ISO management standards have amplified the requirements for top management, in accordance with ISO 9001:2015.  In this highly interactive course, senior managers will learn how to fulfill their new responsibilities, take accountability, and maximize the ROI they get from their management systems.

Why Attend?

This class will help to show the true value of your quality management system and how much it really adds to your bottom line. It will also help your company to increase the ROI of your QMS.

If you want to improve your company’s bottom line or show your boss how much your QMS is already contributing to profits then this class is for you.

Who Should Attend?

  • Top management from organizations with quality, environmental, or safety management systems, including chief executives, general managers, and other senior managers.
  • Quality Managers and/or Management Representatives
  •  Anyone considering implementing an ISO quality system

Course Objectives

  • Understand the new top management ISO requirements and how to accomplish them.
  • Understand the responsibilities that can be delegated to a management representative, and those responsibilities top management must retain.
  • Learn how to maximize the ROI from your management system.
  • Receive practical methods, tools, and tips for using your QMS to enhance organizational performance.
  • Learn the mistakes to avoid that can negatively impact your management system.
  • To provide decision-makers with information that will help them to provide direction for their existing or planned quality management system



Benefits of a Quality Management System

  • Overview of Potential Benefits, including Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Why Top Management Leadership and Commitment is Important.
  • Creating an Organizational Culture that Supports Quality.

Overview of Quality Principles

  • What is Quality?  What is Quality Management?
  • Top Management Responsibilities (per ISO 9001) and How to Accomplish Them.

How to Maximize the ROI from your QMS

  • ROI Depends on an Organization’s Level of Commitment to its QMS System.
  • Using your QMS processes to ensure Customer Satisfaction and Increase Profitability.
  • Using the Process Approach to Manage Quality (Turtle Diagram).
  • Establishing KPIs and Determining Process Effectiveness.
  • Continuously Improving your QMS.
  • Reducing the Costs of Poor Quality (COPQ).
  • Using Your QMS to Manage Risks and Support Your Strategic Direction.

The Five Biggest Mistakes Executives Make with Quality Management

Final Test

Days: 1

Time: 7:30a.m.-4:30p.m. MST

What are ITAR and EAR?

ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) and the EAR (Export Administration Regulations) are export control regulations run by different departments of the US Government.  Both of them are designed to help ensure that defense-related technology does not get into the wrong hands.  An export license is a general term for both ITAR and EAR-controlled items in which the US Government has granted permission to transport or sell potentially dangerous items to foreign countries or parties.

Obtaining EAR and ITAR Compliance

To be ITAR or EAR compliant, a manufacturer or exporter whose articles or services appear on the USML or CCL lists must register with the U.S. State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC). ITAR and EAR compliance can be problematic for a global corporation because the data related to a specific type of technology may need to be transferred over the Internet or stored locally outside the United States to make business processes flow smoothly. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer or exporter to take the necessary steps to certify that they are in compliance with the regulations.

Export control laws provide for substantial penalties, both civil and criminal.  Failure to comply with ITAR can result in civil fines as high as $500,000 per violation, while criminal penalties include fines of up to $1,000,000 and 10 years imprisonment per violation.  Under EAR, maximum civil fines can reach $250,000 per violation. Criminal penalties can be as high as $1,000,000 and 20 years imprisonment per violation.


The Department of State is responsible for the export and temporary import of defense articles and services governed by 22 U.S.C. 2778 of the Arms Export Control Act and Executive Order 13637. The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR,” 22 CFR 120-130) implements the AECA.

The more stringent of the two sets of regulations was written for articles with direct defense-related applications.  Articles specifically designed or otherwise intended for military end-use are enumerated on the United States Munitions List (USML) or the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Annex and therefore controlled by International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) which is administered by the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) at the State Department.  Items, services, and information are all covered by the ITAR regulations.  The most controlled items are Significant Military Equipment (SME) which have “capacity for substantial military utility or capability” such as tanks, high explosives, naval vessels, attack helicopters, etc which are noted on the USML with an asterisk.  Some examples include; an export license (DSP-5), exchanging technical emails or teaching how to repair an ITAR-covered item which requires a Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA), and allowing a foreign company to manufacture an item requires a Manufacturing License Agreement (MLA).


Most other items not specifically listed in the USML, but with the capability to be used for either civilian or military purposes are considered “dual-use” and controlled under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) which is administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) at the Department of Commerce (DoC).   The Commerce Control List (CCL) is the equivalent list at the DoC to the State Department’s USML.  The CCL specifically controls for Chemical & Biological Weapons, Nuclear Nonproliferation, National Security, Missile Technology, Regional Stability, Firearm Convention, Crime Control, and Anti-Terrorism.  The level of control depends on the country being exported to, destination party, end-use, and Export Control Classification Number (ECCN).  Specifically, there are “600 Series” and “500 Series” items that are more strictly controlled than the rest of the CCL, but less strictly controlled than the articles on the USML.

Who should attend?

This introductory course is for business executives, international contracting specialists, contract managers and administrators, program and project managers, marketing professionals, engineers, and other technical personnel, newly appointed export compliance officers, logistics personnel, and legal and financial advisors.

Why go to this class?

  1. ITAR isn’t easy- you will need a guide to help you through.
  2. Online courses require no travel.
  3. This 1-day training is only on our calendar six times a year.
  4. Everything your company manufactures or offers services on is either subject to the ITAR or EAR Regulations.
  5. Failure to comply with ITAR can result in civil fines are as high as $500,000 per violation, while criminal penalities include fines of up to $1,000,000 and 10 years imprisonment per violation.


Days: 1 • CEU Hrs: 0.8

Time: 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM MST

Audience: Beginner to Advanced


The aviation, space, and defense industry established the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG).  The IAQG strives to improve quality and safety while reducing cost throughout the value stream. The AS9102 Rev C First Article Inspection standard applies to the complete value stream.

The FAI process requirements are used at all levels of the supply chain by organizations around the world.  This standard provides a consistent process and documentation requirements for verification of aviation, space, and defense product.

Its use should result in improved: a) quality, b) schedule, and c) cost performance by: the reduction or elimination of organization-unique requirements and wider application of good practices.


There are no required prerequisites.  This course is routinely taught to quality novices and life-time professionals. All attendees are required to bring their own copy of the AS9102 standard. These will not be provided for you. We strongly advise you bring a “paper” copy.

Course Objectives

  • Understand “When” and “How” to use the AS9102 Standard.
  • Help you develop the knowledge and skills required to complete the AS9102 Forms.
  • ‘Improve your understanding of the International Standard.
  • Learn how to interpret the requirements of the Standard and compare to your own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).


  1. Introduction to: the Course Objectives and the Purpose, Intent and Proper Application of First Article Inspection
    • Why do we use the FAI process?
    • When is AS9102 required? When is AS9102 not required?
    • What is required by AS9100 (an AQMS)?
    • What are practical tools for Process and Process change control in addition to/in lieu of FAI:
      • Risk Assessment
      • Production Capacity
      • Process Capability
      • Control Plan
      • Supplier Control
  2. The IAQG and Standards Development
  3. AS9102 Terminology
    • Terminology Game and Understanding the Forms lingo
  4. Comprehensive Review of the AS9102 Rev C Requirements and How to Complete the FAIR per Appendix B
    • The Required (R), Conditionally Required (CR) and Optional (O) boxes
    • Forms Review and Detailed Requirements for each Form and Box
  5. Understanding the Reporting and Objective Evidence Required in the FAIR (Firsts Article Inspection Report)
    • In-Class evaluation of Examples of Completed Forms 1, 2 and 3
    • The Planning, Activities and Documentation necessary to complete the AS9102 Forms
  6. Good Practices for Completing and Reviewing FAIRs
    • In-Class Exercise of Evaluating Drawings and Documenting the FAI Objective Evidence
    • In-Class Exercise Reviewing Completed FAIRs
  7. Completing the Forms from Source Documents. How to divine the necessary information and proper presentation of information in Forms: 1, 2 and 3
    • Case Study: Using Drawing, Certificates of Conformance, Bill of Materials to Complete a full FAI Report
    • Case Study: Missing information and sources of Objective Evidence for the FAI Report
  8. FAIR Checklist Items for Reviewing and Approving Organization and Supplier FAIR

This course is designed for managers and executives that need to understand the requirements of AS9100 and the implications for their organizations.

Learn what AS9100 registration means for your organization and how to implement it to your AS9100 Rev D QMS to gain a competitive advantage.

Many organizations are introduced to management systems because they are forced to consider ISO certification.  This overview shows how system development can happen in many different ways, but the best approach is to investigate your existing processes and system and align them with your business objectives.

As leaders, Top Managers need to be stakeholders in the achievement of the Quality Management System, accountable for its effectiveness and engage the company in achieving the intended results of the QMS- among other requirements. Every organization is different, so we customize every executive overview to incorporate top management’s particular learning and system development objectives.

Who should attend?

  • Top Managers
  • Quality professionals
  • VP/Directors of Quality
  • ISO Managers/Management Reps
  • Process owners
  • Systems professionals
  • Improvement Specialists

You will learn:

  • What does the quality system mean to you as manager, and to your team?
  • AS9100 leadership requirements per clause 5 and connecting it to other clauses in the standard
  • AS9100 and the Risk Based Approach to implementing management systems
  • The Quality principles per AS9100 and the changes to them
  • How systems work
  • Leadership requirements for developing the management system
  • Leadership requirements for running and continually improving the management system
  • The main changes to the standard including:
    • Aligning it to the High Level Structure
    • Change in terminology
    • Change in structure

1-Day AS6500 Manufacturing Management Program

Days: 1

 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM MST



Effective manufacturing management is essential for avoiding budget overruns, project delays, and quality issues. To tackle these challenges, the SAE G-23 Manufacturing Management Committee developed AS6500, the Manufacturing Management Program, which sets the foundation for robust and efficient manufacturing practices.

AS6500 applies to every phase of the system development life cycle and is designed for use in all manufacturing programs. It emphasizes proven manufacturing management practices aimed at delivering affordable, high-quality systems that meet customer expectations.

This concise, 16-page standard incorporates insights from multiple international publications, offering valuable guidance to strengthen your current Manufacturing Management System and ensure compliance with customer requirements.

In this interactive, live-online course, you’ll explore the core requirements of AS6500 and gain practical skills to apply these principles to your role. Whether you’re looking to enhance system performance or improve manufacturing outcomes, this course will equip you with the tools and knowledge to succeed.


  • Manufacturing Management System
  • Design Analysis for Manufacturing
  • Manufacturing: Feasibility, Risk, Readiness Levels
  • Manufacturing Planning
  • Materials Management
  • Manufacturing Workforce
  • Tooling/Test Equipment/Facilities
  • MSA
  • Process Capabilities
  • FAI
  • Supplier Quality and Management
AS6500 - Men working on giant rocket tubes

Who Should Attend

  • Senior Managers
  • Management Representatives
  • Implementation Teams
  • Internal Auditors
  • Functional Leaders: Design, Manufacturing, Engineering, Operations, Business Improvement, Purchasing, Program Management
  • Any others involved in the auditing or implementation of QMS activities


AS6500 Learning Objectives

  1. Review and understand the requirements, application and conformance declaration to the AS6500 standard
  2. Understand the techniques of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling the use of people, money, materials, equipment, research and development, methods and processes, and facilities to manufacture products.
  3. Overview the MMS application of the following international publications:
    • ARP 5580 Recommended Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Practices for Non-Automobile Application
    • AS5553 Counterfeit (EEE) Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition
    • AS6174 Counterfeit Material
    • AS9071 Control of Aviation Critical Safety Items
    • AS9100 Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defense Organizations
    • AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection
    • AS9145 Aerospace Requirements for APQP/PPAP
    • EIA557 Statistical Process Control
    • STD-0016 Standard for Preparing a DMSMS Management Plan
    • DoD Deskbook: DoD Manufacturing Readiness Levels
  4. Practical workshops to enhance your understanding and successful application of this standard



Part 1: Introductions
Part 2: History, Purpose, Terms & Definitions

Activity #1A & 1B:  Terminology

Part 3: Detailed Review of the AS6500 Standard Requirements

Topics & In-Class Exercises:

    • Activity #2: Management System Objectives
    • Producibility Analysis: Trade Curves
    • Design for Manufacturing & Assembly
    • MIL HDBK 727
    • Key and Critical Characteristics: Process Flow & Control Plans
    • Activity #3: Process Flow Diagram & PFMEA
    • Manufacturing Feasibility
    • MRLs
    • Production Readiness
    • Materials Management DMSMS, SD-22, Cost, Manufacturing Modeling/Simulations
    • Manufacturing System Verification
    • Lean Manufacturing
    • MSA
    • LOB
    • Lean/Six Sigma
    • VR
    • AS9103
    • Activity #4: Cp and Cpk (Process Capability)
    • FAI/FAT Supplier Management and Quality: PPAP


Related Courses

AS9100 Rev D Lead Auditor Training AS5553 & AS6174 Counterfeit Parts Training AS9102 First Article Inspection Training AS9145 APQP & PPAP Training

Learn to identify and prevent the use of counterfeit parts with AS5553 and AS6174

Days: 1 • CEU Hrs: 4.8
Time: 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. MST
Audience: Beginner to Advanced


  1. Discuss Industry Problems with Counterfeit Parts and industry efforts on Counterfeit Part Prevention
  2. Discuss Industry Efforts On Counterfeit Part Prevention
  3. Discuss Role of G-19, AS5553, AS6174, and Other Standards
  4. Discuss the Roles of Various Groups within an Organization in Preventing Counterfeit Parts from Entering Product
  5. Discuss Methods for Auditing Counterfeit Parts Prevention (CPP) within AS 9100C/AS 9120B (ISO 9001:2015)
  6. Internal Audits

Who Should Attend?

  • End User (government or commercial using platforms, systems, and/or equipment e.g. UK MoD, US DoD, NASA etc.)
  • Platform Integrator
  • Systems Integrator
  • OEM (System level e.g. Radar, Lower Level e.g. Power Supply)
  • CEM (Board Level)
  • Product Maintenance/Repair Organization
  • Material Procurement Organizations (e.g. BPO organizations etc.)
  • Others (any organization contracted by a customer to comply or who chooses to use to enhance its processes)


  • The training of personnel
  • The inspection and testing of electronic parts
  • Processes to abolish counterfeit parts proliferation
  • Processes for maintaining electronic part traceability
  • Use of suppliers that are the original manufacturer, or an authorized dealer
  • Reporting and quarantining
  • Methodologies to identify suspect counterfeit
  • Design, operation, and maintenance of systems
  • Flow down of counterfeit detection and avoidance requirements
  • Process for keeping continually informed of current counterfeiting information and trends
  • Process for screening GIDEP reports and other credible sources
  • Control of obsolete electronic parts