
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Lead and Internal Auditor Training

What is ISO 45001?
ISO 45001 is an ISO standard for management systems of occupational safety and health (OHSMS), published in March 2018. The goal of ISO 45001 is the reduction of occupational injuries and diseases
How can ISO 45001 help?
Safety professionals should take this opportunity to familiarize themselves with ISO 45001 and its requirements. The standard provides 11 success factors for the implementation of an OHSMS, which can provide guidance on how it can be carried out.

With a deeper knowledge of OHSMS and ISO 45001, safety professionals can develop a strong business case for why their organizations should implement the standard. By understanding ISO 45001 requirements, safety professionals can gain insight into the impact the standard can have on the company’s bottom line, and communicate that to executives.

Early Bird Pricing

5 Day Schedule: Mon-Thur 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM MST

Fri 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM MST

Audience: Beginner to Advanced
ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Training Exemplar Global TPECS Certified

This course is recognized by Exemplar Global as meeting the Knowledge requirements for Lead Auditor Certification in ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

Course Objectives

  • Help you develop the knowledge and skills required to become a Lead Auditor.
  • Improve your understanding of the International Standard.
  • Conform to the auditing practices outlined in ISO 19011.
  • Fulfill the education requirements of the Exemplar Global Certified Lead Auditor program for ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.


This course prepares you to perform effective Environmental (14001) and Occupational Health & Safety (45001) Management System audits. You’ll learn how to interpret the verbiage of both Standards and apply it to your own organization. We’ll take you through the full audit process, including: audit planning and preparation, opening meetings, document review, interviewing auditees, closing meetings and reporting. Training includes easy-to-use tools to simplify the auditing process.

The course provides a Fast Track to getting Lead Auditor training for BOTH 14001 and 45001 in 5 days!

The first 4 days offers a complete Lead Auditor training course for ISO 14001.  It is divided into 3 competency units:

EM Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)
AU Auditing Management Systems (ISO 19011)
TL Leading Management Systems Audit Teams

Day 5 adds this additional competency unit:

OH Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (ISO 45001)


*The AU and TL competency units offered during the 14001 course are generic for all Exemplar Global-recognized Lead Auditor courses.  Once they have been completed for one Lead Auditor course, they do not have to be repeated for additional courses.  So, by adding the OH competency unit to this training package, it allows you to get jointly certified to BOTH standards.

ISO 14001:2015 Lead Auditor Training Agenda

Day 1
1 Course Introduction
2 Humans and the Environment
3 Test on Humans & Environment / Review
4 Environmental Lingo
5 Assessing Environmental Impacts
6 Test on Environmental Impacts/ Review
7 Lunch
8 Understanding ISO 14001
Day 2
1 Learning Game on Pre-assignment
2 Exercise: Audit Case Studies
3 Test on Standard
4 Review Test & Retake
5 AU Module – Part 1. Intro to Auditing
6 Test on Part 1 / Review & Retake
7 Part 2. Preparing for an Audit
Day 3
1 Test on Part 2 / Review & Retake
2 Part 3. Conducting the Audit
3 Test on Part 3 / Review & Retake
4 Audit Role Play Exercise 1
4 Finish Audit Role Play Exercise 1
5 Part 4. Completing the Audit
6 Test on Part 4 / Review & Retake
7 Exercise: Writing Nonconformity Statements
Day 4
1 TL Unit: Leading an Audit Team
2 Audit Role Play Exercise 2
3 Exercise: Conducting a Closing Meeting
4 Writing the Audit Report
5 Test on TL Unit / Review & Retake
6 Class Wrap-Up


ISO 45001:2018 Standard Training Agenda

Day 5
1 Course Introduction
5 Hazard Identification
6 Understanding ISO 45001 (Part 1)
7 Lunch
8 Understanding ISO 45001 (Part 2)
3 Test on Standard
4 Review Test & Submit Corrections
6 Class Wrap-Up


This course is delivered by Axeon in partnership with Quality Management International, Inc.  Completion of this course satisfies the training requirements for certification by Exemplar Global as a lead auditor.


4 Day Schedule: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM MST


Audience: Beginner to Advanced
ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Training Exemplar Global TPECS Certified

This course is recognized by Exemplar Global as meeting the Knowledge requirements for Lead Auditor Certification.

Course Objectives

  • Help you develop the knowledge and skills required to become a Lead Auditor.
  • Improve your understanding of the International Standard.
  • Conform to the auditing practices outlined in ISO 19011.
  • Fulfill the education requirements of the Exemplar Global Certified Lead Auditor program for ISO 45001.


This course prepares you to perform effective Occupational Health & Safety (45001) Management System audits.  You’ll learn how to interpret the verbiage of the ISO 14001:2015 Standard and apply it to your own organization.  We’ll take you through the full audit process, including: audit planning and preparation, opening meetings, document review, interviewing auditees, closing meetings and reporting.  Training includes easy-to-use tools to simplify the auditing process.

The Lead Auditor training course for ISO 45001 is divided into 3 competency units:

OH Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (ISO 45001)
*AU Auditing Management Systems (ISO 19011)
*TL Leading Management Systems Audit Teams

*The AU and TL competency units offered during the 14001 course are generic for all Exemplar Global-recognized Lead Auditor courses.  Once they have been completed for one Lead Auditor course, they do not have to be repeated for additional courses.

If you add the Environmental Management Systems competency unit to this training package, it allows you to get jointly certified to BOTH ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards in only five days!




Day 1
1 Learning Game on Pre-assignment
2 Exercise: Audit Case Studies
3 Test on Standard
4 Review Test & Retake
5 AU Module – Part 1. Intro to Auditing
6 Test on Part 1 / Review & Retake
7 Part 2. Preparing for an Audit
Day 2
1 Test on Part 2 / Review & Retake
2 Part 3. Conducting the Audit
3 Test on Part 3 / Review & Retake
4 Audit Role Play Exercise 1
5 Finish Audit Role Play Exercise 1
6 Part 4. Completing the Audit
7 Test on Part 4 / Review & Retake
8 Exercise: Writing Nonconformity Statements
Day 3
1 TL Unit: Leading an Audit Team
2 Audit Role Play Exercise 2
3 Exercise: Conducting a Closing Meeting
4 Writing the Audit Report
5 Test on TL Unit / Review & Retake
6 Class Wrap-Up
Day 4
1 Course Introduction
2 Hazard Identification
3 Understanding ISO 45001 (Part 1)
4 Understanding ISO 45001(Part 2)
5 Test on Standard
6 Review Test & Submit Corrections

This course is delivered by Axeon in partnership with Quality Management International, Inc.  Completion of this course satisfies the training requirements for certification by Exemplar Global as a lead auditor.

4 Day Schedule: Mon-Thur 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM MST


Audience: Beginner to Advanced
ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Training Exemplar Global TPECS Certified

This ISO 14001 training course is recognized by Exemplar Global as meeting the Knowledge requirements for Lead Auditor Certification.

Course Objectives

  • Help you develop the knowledge and skills required to become a Lead Auditor.
  • Improve your understanding of the International Standard.
  • Conform to the auditing practices outlined in ISO 19011.
  • Fulfill the education requirements of the Exemplar Global Certified Lead Auditor program for ISO 14001.


This course prepares you to perform effective Environmental (14001) Management System audits. You’ll learn how to interpret the verbiage of the ISO 14001:2015 Standard and apply it to your own organization. We’ll take you through the full audit process, including: audit planning and preparation, opening meetings, document review, interviewing auditees, closing meetings and reporting. Training includes easy-to-use tools to simplify the auditing process.


This four-day training course offers a complete Lead Auditor training course for ISO 14001:2015. It is divided into 3 competency units:

EM Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)
*AU Auditing Management Systems (ISO 19011)
*TL Leading Management Systems Audit Teams

*The AU and TL competency units offered during the ISO 14001 training are generic for all Exemplar Global-recognized Lead Auditor courses. Once they have been completed for one Lead Auditor course, they do not have to be repeated for additional courses.

If you add the OH competency unit to this training package, it allows you to get jointly certified to BOTH ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards.

ISO 14001 Training Agenda

Day 1
1 Course Introduction
2 Humans and the Environment
3 Test on Humans & Environment / Review
4 Environmental Lingo
5 Assessing Environmental Impacts
6 Test on Environmental Impacts/ Review
7 Lunch
8 Understanding ISO 14001
Day 2
1 Learning Game on Pre-assignment
2 Exercise: Audit Case Studies
3 Test on Standard
4 Review Test & Retake
5 AU Module – Part 1. Intro to Auditing
6 Test on Part 1 / Review & Retake
7 Part 2. Preparing for an Audit
Day 3
1 Test on Part 2 / Review & Retake
2 Part 3. Conducting the Audit
3 Test on Part 3 / Review & Retake
4 Audit Role Play Exercise 1
4 Finish Audit Role Play Exercise 1
5 Part 4. Completing the Audit
6 Test on Part 4 / Review & Retake
7 Exercise: Writing Nonconformity Statements
Day 4
1 TL Unit: Leading an Audit Team
2 Audit Role Play Exercise 2
3 Exercise: Conducting a Closing Meeting
4 Writing the Audit Report
5 Test on TL Unit / Review & Retake
6 Class Wrap-Up

This course is delivered by Axeon in partnership with Quality Management International, Inc. Completion of this course satisfies the training requirements for certification by Exemplar Global as a lead auditor.



3 Day Schedule: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM MST

Monday, Tuesday, Friday

Audience: Beginner to Advanced

Course Objectives

  • Help you develop the knowledge and skills required to become an Internal Auditor.
  • Improve your understanding of the International Standard.
  • Conform to the auditing practices outlined in ISO 19011.



This course prepares you to perform effective Occupational Health & Safety (45001) Management System audits.  You’ll learn how to interpret the verbiage of the ISO 14001:2015 Standard and apply it to your own organization.  We’ll take you through the full audit process, including: audit planning and preparation, opening meetings, document review, interviewing auditees, closing meetings, and reporting.  Training includes easy-to-use tools to simplify the auditing process.


The Interal Auditor training course for ISO 45001 is divided into 2 competency units:

OH Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (ISO 45001)
*AU Auditing Management Systems (ISO 19011)


*The AU competency unit offered during the 14001 course is generic for all Exemplar Global-recognized Lead Auditor courses.  Once it has been completed for one Lead Auditor course, it does not have to be repeated for additional courses.




Course Introduction

Day 1
1 Learning Game on Pre-assignment
2 Exercise: Audit Case Studies
3 Test on Standard
4 Review Test & Retake
5 AU Module – Part 1. Intro to Auditing
6 Test on Part 1 / Review & Retake
7 Part 2. Preparing for an Audit
Day 2
1 Test on Part 2 / Review & Retake
2 Part 3. Conducting the Audit
3 Test on Part 3 / Review & Retake
4 Audit Role Play Exercise 1
5 Finish Audit Role Play Exercise 1
6 Part 4. Completing the Audit
7 Test on Part 4 / Review & Retake
8 Exercise: Writing Nonconformity Statements
Day 3
2 Hazard Identification
3 Understanding ISO 45001 (Part 1)
4 Understanding ISO 45001(Part 2)
5 Test on Standard
6 Review Test & Submit Corrections

This course is delivered by Axeon in partnership with Quality Management International, Inc.


4 Day Schedule: Mon-Wed 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM MST

Friday 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM MST

Audience: Beginner to Advanced
ISO 14001 Internal Auditor Training TPECS Certified

This course is recognized by Exemplar Global as meeting the Knowledge requirements for Internal Auditor Certification.

Who Should Attend

Those responsible for planning and scheduling an internal audit program for ISO 14001 and those who must perform audits to ISO 14001, EMS representatives, Regulatory Affairs Managers, EMS professionals, ISO 14001 Project Managers, ISO 14001 Project Team Members or anyone desiring an in-depth understanding of the ISO 14001 Audit Process.


Course Objectives

  • Help you develop the knowledge and skills required to become a Lead Auditor.
  • Improve your understanding of the International Standard.
  • Conform to the auditing practices outlined in ISO 19011.
  • Fulfill the education requirements of the Exemplar Global Certified Internal Auditor program for ISO 14001 and 45001.


This course prepares you to perform effective Environmental (14001) and Occupational Health & Safety (45001) Management System audits.  You’ll learn how to interpret the verbiage of both Standards and apply it to your own organization.  We’ll take you through the full audit process, including: audit planning and preparation, opening meetings, document review, interviewing auditees, and reporting.  Training includes easy-to-use tools to simplify the auditing process.


The course provides a Fast Track to getting Internal Auditor training for BOTH 14001 and 45001 in 4 days!

The first 3 days offer a complete Internal Auditor training course for ISO 14001.  It is divided into 2 competency units:

EM Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)
AU Auditing Management Systems (ISO 19011)


Day 4 adds this additional competency unit:

OH Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (ISO 45001)


*The AU competency unit offered during the 14001 course is generic for all Exemplar Global-recognized Internal Auditor courses.  Once they have been completed for one Internal Auditor course, they do not have to be repeated for additional courses.  So, by adding the OH competency unit to this training package, it allows you to get jointly certified to BOTH standards.




Day 1
1 Course Introduction
2 Humans and the Environment
3 Test on Humans & Environment / Review
4 Environmental Lingo
5 Assessing Environmental Impacts
6 Test on Environmental Impacts/ Review
7 Lunch
8 Understanding ISO 14001
Day 2
1 Learning Game on Pre-assignment
2 Exercise: Audit Case Studies
3 Test on Standard
4 Review Test & Retake
5 AU Module – Part 1. Intro to Auditing
6 Test on Part 1 / Review & Retake
7 Part 2. Preparing for an Audit
Day 3
1 Test on Part 2 / Review & Retake
2 Part 3. Conducting the Audit
3 Test on Part 3 / Review & Retake
4 Audit Role Play Exercise 1
4 Finish Audit Role Play Exercise 1
5 Part 4. Completing the Audit
6 Test on Part 4 / Review & Retake
7 Exercise: Writing Nonconformity Statements
Day 4
1 Course Introduction
2 Hazard Identification
Understanding ISO 45001 (Part 1)
3 Lunch
4 Understanding ISO 45001 (Part 2)
5 Test on Standard
6 Review Test & Submit Corrections
7 Class Wrap-Up

Days: 2

Time:  7:30 AM- 4:30 PM MST

Axeon’s training courses begin with your objectives in mind. Before any training begins the instructor must have an objective to deliver your desired outcome. If the course does not have a specific objective, students can go through the motions with little added value. Axeon’s Statistical Process Control training begins with a candid discussion of your needs and expectations with the course instructor to develop specific areas of focus for the class. Below is a general outline for the course and topics that will be covered.


Statistical process control (SPC) procedures help you monitor process behavior. One of the staple SPC tools used by quality process analysts, improvement associates, inspectors and more is the control chart. Axeon’s statistical process control training will walk you through the details of control charting and other SPC procedures and how to apply them within your organization.

Who Should Attend?

·    Quality & Process Engineers ·    Process Development & Validation Personnel
·    Quality Technicians ·     Manufacturing/Operations Personnel
·    Production Supervisors ·    Process Improvement Personnel
·    SPC Supervisors ·    Supplier Quality Personnel
·    Laboratory Personnel ·    Six Sigma Professionals


Statistical Process Control Training Agenda

  • Fundamentals of SPC
    • Concept of Variation
    • The Normal Distribution
    • Control Limits vs. Specification Limits
    • Definition of Control/Stability
    • Definition of Quality
    • Quality Control vs. Process Control
  • Fundamental Statistical Concepts
    • Population versus Sample
    • Notation
    • Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Mean)
    • Measures of Variation (Range, Standard Deviation, Variance)
    • A Central Limit Theorem
    • Introduction to Non-Normal Data
    • The Central Limit Theorem
  • Conceptual Implementation of SPC
    • Measurement Systems Issues
    • Monitoring Process Behavior
    • Xbar and R Chart Concepts
  • Sampling
    • Random, Systematic, and Rational Samples
    • Importance of Rational Sampling
  • Sources of Variation
    • Common and Special Cause Sources
    • Detecting Special Cause Sources
  • Charts: Xbar and R
    • Differences Between Measurements and Averages
    • Computing Control Limits and Charting
  • Other Charts
    • Individuals & Moving Ranges
    • Xbar and S Charts
    • Charts for Short Production Runs
  • Attribute Charts (p, np, c, u)
    Chart Interpretation

    • Type I and Type II Errors
    • Guidelines for Analysis of Charts
    • Out of Control Signals
  • Sensitivity
    • Impact of Sample Size on Chart Sensitivity
    • Determining Sample Size
  • Process Capability
    • Capability ratio – Cr
    • Performance Ratio – Pr
    • Capability Index – Cp
    • Performance Index – Pp
    • Process Capability – CpK
    • The Standard Normal
    • Z Values
    • Computing Proportion Defective