Understanding and Implementing ISO 17025

Days: 2 • CTUs: 1.6

Our ISO 17025 Training Program Will Benefit:

People who are looking for a course that will provide the skills necessary to successfully implement ISO 17025. Project managers who are looking for an in-depth, start to finish understanding, of how to manage a successful project. Project managers and members of an ISO 17025 implementation team who want to know the specific steps to undertake to assure a successful project. Members of ISO 17025 project teams who want to gain critical knowledge to move their organization toward cost effective solutions. ISO Project Managers who want to use the latest project management techniques to effectively manage their project.


Personnel who attend our training will leave with:

  • A detailed project timeline that has been customized for their organization and its unique needs
  • A complete understanding of the project management steps necessary for success
  • A list of implications for their organization
  • A communication plan for Top Managers, Managers and decision makers and employees
  • A list of barriers unique to their organization and a plan for overcoming these
  • A project task list that is customized to their organization with names assigned to each task
  • A resource plan including a project budget
  • A Gap Analysis that identifies and prioritizes the areas requiring the most work
  • The confidence necessary to proceed with a successful project
ISO 17025 Training


Use this ISO 17025 training to Jumpstart (or re-start) your Implementation Project

This course is designed for participants who need to implement ISO 17025 within their organization. Participants will understand the requirements and the implications for their organization and will acquire tools that will help them:

  • Fully understand and successfully interpret the ISO 17025 requirements
  • Achieve the benefits that are inherent within the ISO 17025 requirements
  • Proceed with their project in a timely, cost effective manner
  • Understand the obligations directed or implied within the ISO 17025 requirements
  • Create a communication plan for your organization, management and executives
  • Develop a project plan including timeline and assigned responsibility for specific tasks

The agenda and course content described below has been created by Quality Management and Educational experts with the goal of making your project a success. This is a hands on ISO 17025 training that each student will walk away from with “deliverables” that are intended to jump start your ISO 17025 project.

This course can be customized to meet the unique implementation needs of your organization.




Day One

  • Background and Introduction
  • The contents of ISO 17025
  • Activity #1 Implications of the Requirements
  • Discussion of Activity #1
  • Strategies for Making the Requirements Work for Your Organization
  • Project Management
  • Gap Analysis Activity #2


Day Two

  • Student Activity #3 Identifying and Communicating Anticipated Benefits
  • Student Activity #4 Differences in Approach to be Communicated
  • Student Activity #5 Anticipated Involvement (Scope of Work)
  • Student Activity #6 First Steps in Initiating the Project
  • Student Activity #7 Responsibilities within the Project
  • Student Activity #8 Reporting and controlling project results
  • Student Activity #9 Identification of Business Factors
  • Student Activity #10 Driving and Restraining Forces
  • Student Activity #11 Skills Acquisition Planning
  • Student Activity #12 Anticipated Resources
  • Student Activity #13 Budget and Deadlines
  • Student Activity #14 Building a Project Plan and Timeline
  • Selecting a Certification Body
  • Project Notes


As a member of your ISO 17025 project team, you gain critical knowledge to move your company ahead in today’s competitive marketplace. ISO Management Representatives will gain the credibility and prestige to effectively interact with certification bodies, customers, and suppliers.