Day 1: Creating content with focus & reader in mind
Report 1: Exercise on writing a report based on observing events/processes. |
Reading and interpretation of Report 1. |
Discussion on how reports were interpreted/understood and why. |
Writing styles, tone, voice, layout, and readability basics. |
Report 1.1: Revise and apply discussions. |
Reading and interpretation of Report 1.1. |
Discussion on how reports were interpreted/understood and why. |
Report 2: Exercise on writing a report based on a policy or accident investigation. |
Reading and interpretation of Report 2. |
Discussion on how reports were interpreted/understood and why. |
Day 2: Understanding users & practice creating reports
Types of reports, their intent, and general structure. |
Importance of scope and purpose, and other components of reports. |
Data, validity, integrity, and statistics. |
Understanding biases and errors. |
Visuals, Tables, and Graphs – Use and Misuse. |
Practice exercises. |
Interpretation and explanation of metrics and KPIs. |
Readability, levels, and layout. |
Logos, pathos, ethos in writing. |
Practice exercises – Creating structured reports. |
Day 3: Understanding users & practice creating reports
Understanding Report Creators vs. Users. |
Literacy, numeracy, and vocabulary. |
Impact of personality styles – MBTI and DISC. |
User pre-conditioning. |
Practice with sample reports. |
Understanding the chain – Situations/events to decisions and actions. |
Exercise 1 – Mapping information flow and identifying checkpoints. |
Exercise 2 – Creation of an audit report and interpretation. |
Exercise 3 – Creation of a test report and interpretation. |
Exercise 4 – Creation of performance reports and interpretation. |